Safe community locations for drop off and pick up Bundles!

  • The following list are locations that have contacted us and agreed to provide a place to drop off and pickup a Bundle during their normal business hours. (please check their website or call ahead to verify hours). ON THE SAME DAY — these locations cannot store the Bundles, they will hold for up to 4 hrs to help move items along.
  • For safety use only FIRST NAMES or CRAFT NAMES to identify who the Bundle is for.
  • If you are making a donation of clothes please contact us directly, these locations do not have storage space!
  • PLEASE say thanks to these wonderful community businesses for their help, and support them if you are able to make a purchase or provide word of mouth advertising for them.

Alphabetical By State

Please contact us via the volunteer page if you would like to have your cafe, store, or other business listed as a safe location willing to assist with transfer of Bundles!