Bonding with Baby

At Frigga’s Attic, we recognize the significance of nurturing connections and enhancing motor skills during the precious early months of your baby’s life. Delve into our carefully curated list of delightful and educational games and activities designed to strengthen the parent-infant bond while promoting healthy motor development.

Each activity is tailored with a note on when it’s safe to begin, ensuring a secure and enjoyable experience for both you and your baby. Developmental rates and abilities do vary so if you have any questions or concerns please speak to your Dula, Midwife. or Pediatrician prior to starting any specific activity with your baby.

Play Games to start for newborn to 6 months

1. Peek-a-Boo Magic:

  • Safe Age: Suitable from birth.
  • Gently play peek-a-boo using a soft cloth, engaging your baby’s vision, promoting facial recognition, and eliciting joyous giggles. Making silly faces highly encouraged!
  • Endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

2. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall:

  • Safe Age: Suitable from birth.
  • Place a baby-safe unbreakable mirror during tummy time to encourage neck strength and introduce the concept of self-recognition. You can wave in the mirror beside baby and move your hand between baby and mirror to encourage focus and recognition. If the mirror is wide enough lay beside baby and make all the silly faces you want into the mirror to encourage your baby to understand the mirror. Who is the cutest?
  • Endorsed by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.

3. Texture Exploration:

  • Safe Age: Suitable from birth.
  • Introduce different textures like fabrics, soft toys, or natural materials. This sensory play aids in tactile development. Be sure items are baby safe – too big to swallow or cause choking, and do not have any potentially harmful elements like flaking paint. Items that tiny fingers can grasp and hold will help develop hand eye coordination and finger strength.
  • Endorsed by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.

4. High-Contrast Flashcards:

  • Safe Age: Suitable from birth.
  • Use high-contrast flashcards with bold patterns and shapes, aiding in visual development. You can make your own cards by hand with paper and pens, solid shapes like circle and square, or outlines like cat, dog, are a great place to start!
  • Endorsed by the National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families

5. Gentle Dance Routines:

  • Safe Age: Suitable from birth. (Provided you are careful to hold baby well with neck supported)
  • Sway to soothing music while holding your baby, enhancing balance, rhythm, and the parent-child connection. Try some happy kid friendly songs from your favorite pagan or heathen bands! (Be gentle in your movements, this is NOT the time for Heathen Head bangers folks!)
  • Suggested by the International Association of Infant Massage.

Music Donated by Community Musicians

for use for Gental Dance Bonding & Balance w/ Baby

The following music has been donated for use for free for the community only for the above referenced activity, it cannot be use anywhere else online or sold, all copywrites remain with the original artist(s).

Please show support for these generous musical gifts by following the links to their online music and support them with notes of thanks and also musical purchases and patronage if you are able. They also put on great live shows if you get a chance to enjoy their music in person!

Coming soon!! Music has been donated, check back next week for the music files and fun!