We loan Baby Clothes!

Clothes can be requested for any Baby Born, Adopted or Fostered into the Pagan/Wiccan/Heathen/Druid community by anyone who will be responsible to get them to the baby and return then when done. All babies need clothes so there is no income test, and all clothes are loaned for free for as long as they fit.

Bundle of Baby Clothes!

Network of Volunteers connecting gently used baby clothes with babies​

This is our very first Bundle ever! It was a mix of donated gently used items from 3 sources as well as a couple of new items tie dyed by community children at a Yule celebration.

Many hands make light work

Clothing is requested online and the Attic Assistant checks for an available Bundle in the correct size reasonably nearby. Then the Attic Assistant finds volunteers to move the Bundle from where it is to where it needs to be. Hopefully the Bundle hitches rides with community members already driving where it needs to go so no extra fuel is used. Bundles are handed between community members who already know one another or in public places for safety.

If no Bundle is available then the Attic Assistant will organize a local or regional donation drive to bring in enough reuseable items to make up the need. As a last resort there will be a call for monetary donations made via the website. Frigga’s Attic then uses donation money to make wholesale purchases to finish filling a needed Bundle with new items that will then become part of the Frigga’s Attic inventory for loaning clothing.

Week of Clothing

Donated clothing items are checked by volunteers to ensure they are clean and serviceable, then they are sorted by size and labeled. The labels make it easy for the loaner clothing to be returned when it is outgrown. Each Bundle contains items of the same size in a variety of colors ( most are “neutral” colors but yes some are pink and some are blue).

We hope that each Bundle will contain enough basic items to cloth a baby for 1 week without the need to do laundry.

Good Witches, Fairey GoddessMothers, and Helpful Heathens, join us and let’s help the planet and our village babies!
If you can get the word out

We need those who run online groups and in person meet ups, Covens, Kindreds and Groves of all Traditions to have someone from your group become a Point of Contact to Frigga’s Attic. When there is a local need Attic Assistants will reach out to local Points of Contact to call for donations as needed and request help moving Bundles.

If you have an online group we can provide you nice memes to post to inform your members about Frigga’s Attic.

If you can donate Baby Clothes

We are expecting a huge Nationwide response. If you have a pile of gently used clothing in your attic please let us know so we can arrange to process your wonderful donation!

If a Baby you know would like a Bundle of loaner clothes

Fill out our request form and the Frigga’s Attic network will work its magic to get that Bundle heading to your baby!

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

Helen Keller